Commercial for rent

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Office space for rent 45 m²

Velké Přílepy, Pražská 12 150 for month

Commercial space for rent 30 m²

České Budějovice, nám. Přemysla Otakara II. 9 000 for month

Office space for rent 31 m²

Velké Přílepy, Pražská 8 289 for month

Commercial space for rent 32 m²

Praha, Jindřišská 21 000 for m2

Office space for rent 70 m²

Jihlava, Masarykovo náměstí 1102/37More info on request

Office space for rent 47 m²

Ledeč nad Sázavou, Husovo náměstí 675 000 for month

Commercial properties for rent 33 m²

Liberec, U Nisy 916/810 106 for month

Office space for rent 14 m²

Ústí nad Labem, Masarykova 3127/286 999 for month

Office space for rent 17 m²

Praha, Na křečku 365/55 200 for month

Office space for rent 29 m²

Praha, Na křečku 365/58 840 for month

Office space for rent 30 m²

Praha, Na křečku 365/59 100 for month

Hotel for rent 700 m²

Mukařov, Doubecká 3269 000 for month

Commercial space for rent 95 m²

Ostrava, Sokolovská 1332/4725 000 for month

Commercial space for rent 182 m²

Ledeč nad Sázavou, Mostecká 1210More info on request

Office space for rent 215 m²

Liberec, Husitská 133/4925 000 for month

Warehouse for rent 15 m²

Jesenice, Hrnčířská 2193 990 for month

Warehouse for rent 30 m²

Jesenice, Hrnčířská 265 990 for month

Commercial space for rent 25 m²

Holešov, nám. Dr. E. Beneše 65 000 for month

Commercial space for rent 157 m²

Dolní Kralovice, nám. L. Svobody 715 000 for month

Commercial real estate rent

In general, a lease agreement is an extremely important document and it is necessary to approach its preparation with all responsibility. It is necessary to try to exclude provisions of the contract that have an ambiguous interpretation. In the presence of such clauses, problems may arise with the tenant of the commercial premises in the future, because each party will try to interpret such clauses in its favor. On the portal you will find a wide range of commercial real estate: office, warehouse, industrial premise,trading premise, hotel, restaurant, agricultural property, tenement house, doctor’s office, apartments.

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