Restaurants for rent

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Restaurant for rent 440 m²

České Budějovice, Karla IV. 103100 000 for month

Restaurant for rent 140 m²

Brno, Zahradnická 29818 150 for month

Restaurant for rent 145 m²

Plzeň, Americká 1644 000 for month

Restaurant for rent 308 m²

Říčany, Nádražní 21919 742 for month

Restaurant for rent 140 m²

Brno, Zahradnická 018 150 for month

Restaurant for rent 102 m²

Plzeň, Americká 94125 000 for month

Restaurant for rent 550 m²

České Budějovice, nám. Přemysla Otakara II. More info on request

Restaurants for rent

Choosing a location for a restaurant is a responsible task. A mistake at this stage can result in significant financial losses. What are the key factors when you rent a restaurant? It is very important that the restaurant is within walking distance, as this will provide you with an uninterrupted flow of customers. It is important to pay attention to how the connection to electricity is provided, whether there is a connection to the sewerage system, how ventilation and water supply work. To be safe, you can try to track how often tenants change. As you might guess, if the tenants of a restaurant regularly change each other, then something is wrong with this restaurant.

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