Commercial for rent

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Office space for rent 253 m²

Zlín, třída Tomáše Bati 6401 800 for m2 / year

Office space for rent 600 m²

Praha, Vodičkova 699180 000 for month

Commercial space for rent 109 m²

Roudnice nad Labem, Karlovo náměstí 8218 000 for month

Office space for rent 20 m²

Dolní Benešov, Hlučínská 02 000 for month

Warehouse for rent 17079 m²

Osek, Sokolská 2885 000 for month

Commercial space for rent 70 m²

Liberec, nám. Šaldovo 3025 000 for month

Commercial space for rent 350 m²

Děčín, Zelená 034 900 for month

Commercial space for rent 200 m²

Hodonín, Brněnská 020 000 for month

Office space for rent 22 m²

Praha, Korunní 8108 000 for month

Commercial properties for rent 74 m²

Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Záhuní 09 000 for month

Office space for rent 75 m²

Hodonín, Za Dráhou 426812 000 for month

Office space for rent 17 m²

Hodonín, Národní třída 3002 565 for month

Commercial space for rent 95 m²

Plzeň, Veleslavínova 2025 000 for month

Restaurant for rent 102 m²

Plzeň, Americká 94125 000 for month

Office space for rent 70 m²

Jihlava, Masarykovo náměstí 1102/37More info on request

Commercial space for rent 110 m²

Ostrava, Dr. Martínka 1590/612 500 for month

Warehouse for rent 144 m²

Ústí nad Labem, U Skladiště 433/1510 080 for month

Office space for rent 26 m²

Jesenice, Hrnčířská 3516 990 for month

Office space for rent 378 m²

Světlá nad Sázavou, V Polích 69515 000 for month

Office space for rent 27 m²

Karlovy Vary, Chebská 394/446 625 for month

Commercial real estate rent

In general, a lease agreement is an extremely important document and it is necessary to approach its preparation with all responsibility. It is necessary to try to exclude provisions of the contract that have an ambiguous interpretation. In the presence of such clauses, problems may arise with the tenant of the commercial premises in the future, because each party will try to interpret such clauses in its favor. On the portal you will find a wide range of commercial real estate: office, warehouse, industrial premise,trading premise, hotel, restaurant, agricultural property, tenement house, doctor’s office, apartments.

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