Apartments 5+1 for rent

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Apartment 5+1 for rent 135 m²

Ústí nad Labem, Karla IV. 014 500 for month

5-bedroom apartments for rent

5+1 type apartments are very large apartments in terms of area. Finding a 5-bedroom apartment is not as easy as finding smaller apartments. The reason is clear: 5+1 apartments are quite rare. If you want to rent a 5-bedroom apartment, you must be a bit unlucky. But if you contact a real estate agency, you are more likely to find an apartment of this type. 5+1 apartment s are most often rented by large families, as well as students who rent separate rooms. Most often you can rent a 5+1 apartment in old houses in large cities, in Prague and Brno. Otherwise, 5-bedroom apartments are less common.

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