Apartments 3+kk for rent

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Apartment 3+kk for rent 93 m²

Praha, náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad 1561/949 800 for month

Apartment 3+kk for rent 106 m²

Praha, Italská 212/52 300 for month

Apartment 3+kk for rent 107 m²

Brankovice, Mlýnská 2822 500 for month

Apartment 3+kk for rent 95 m²

Praha, Laubova 1659/275 200 for month

Apartment 3+kk for rent 82 m²

Praha, Pod Haltýřem 27 000 for month

Apartment 3+kk for rent 75 m²

Praha, Truhlářská 38 500 for month

Apartment 3+kk for rent 63 m²

Praha, Truhlářská 35 200 for month

3+kk apartment for rent

Renting a 3+kk apartment is mainly popular amongst families with two children, but this type of apartment is also in demand amongst students, pensioners and small families. A 3+kk apartment is usually a medium-sized apartment. If you are looking for a 3+kk apartment, you are most likely a little unlucky, because there are not as many such apartments as, for example, 2+1 apartments. However, a 3+kk apartment is not uncommon and you may come across such when looking for an apartment to rent. On real estate websites you will definitely find several apartments in the “3+kk apartment” section, but this will be the largest selection of all possible layouts. Nevertheless, 3+kk apartments are very popular.

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