Apartments 3+1 for rent

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Apartment 3+1 for rent 75 m²

Děčín, Litoměřická 1259 900 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 69 m²

Ústí nad Labem, Voskovcova 275213 400 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 78 m²

Příbram, Ryneček 15315 000 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 67 m²

Lhenice, Netolická 26410 900 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 68 m²

Roudnice nad Labem, V Uličkách 258317 000 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 110 m²

Krupka, Husitská 18911 250 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 80 m²

Přestavlky 19 900 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 71 m²

Teplice, Pod hvězdárnou 20913 800 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 74 m²

Roudnice nad Labem, Stadická 172018 000 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 85 m²

Karlovy Vary, Bulharská 85813 500 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 99 m²

Teplice, Lounská 142610 000 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 110 m²

Krupka, Husitská 18911 250 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 59 m²

Litoměřice, Spojovací 17018 700 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 72 m²

Příbram, Boční 48011 000 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 70 m²

Děčín, Kamenická 26511 400 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 57 m²

Příbram, Školní 7911 000 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 72 m²

Ústí nad Labem, Malátova 243311 000 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 58 m²

Štětí, Čs. armády 51515 000 for month

Apartment 3+1 for rent 80 m²

Příbram, Mládežnická 47015 000 for month

3-bedroom apartment for rent

3+1 apartments are apartments with a large area. Of course, it all depends on the size of the individual rooms, but 3-bedroom apartment rentals are very popular with students, young couples, and families of four. Renting a 3+1 apartment is usually not cheap, the price depends mainly on the location of the apartment. The truth is that there is an abundance of 3-bedroom apartments, so on real estate websites you will find a lot of offers for 3 + 1 apartments rental. 3 + 1 apartments are rented either fully furnished or partially furnished, or without furniture at all. Which 3-bedroom apartment rental option you prefer – depends only on you.

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