Apartments 2+1 for rent Praha

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Apartment 2+1 for rent 90 m²

Praha, Rašínovo nábřeží 50/2627 000 for month

Apartment 2+1 for rent 58 m²

Praha, Hošťálkova 67719 900 for month

Apartment 2+1 for rent 65 m²

Praha, Za strašnickou vozovnou 134222 000 for month

2-bedroom apartment for rent , Praha

Offers for renting a 2+1 apartment in the city of , Praha are popular in the market. This accommodation option is optimal for both single people and couples with a child. The availability of three rooms complicates the preparation process, but makes it possible to earn more on the rent. Before listing an apartment for rent, you need to prepare and sort out the documents – they will be required to conclude an agreement. All premises must be clean, well maintained and unoccupied. Finding a potential tenant is the easiest task, all you need to do is publish an advertisement on the website. You can provide a photo of the rented apartment, specifying the pros and cons. As practice shows, the 2-bedroom layout is in high demand, a deal can be done in a couple of days.

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