Fields for sale

Ads on the page

Farm land for sale 8043 m²

Ždánice, Městečko 23320 000 for property

Farm land for sale 4471 m²

Dobré 890 000 for property

Farm land for sale 2000 m²

Svinaře, Březová 142485 for m2

Farm land for sale 33989 m²

Hradec Králové, Bělečská 114/12More info on request

Farm land for sale 16019 m²

Ústí nad Labem, Lipová 12/23a5 200 000 for property

Farm land for sale 14333 m²

Ústí nad Labem, Lipová 12/23a4 793 230 for property

Farm land for sale 9600 m²

Loukovec 518 000 for property

Farm land for sale 23105 m²

Rohatec, Jasmínová 1252850 000 for property

Farm land for sale 8421 m²

Babice, Starobabická 17666 000 for property

Farm land for sale 27860 m²

Mikulov, Svobody 219/51 590 750 for property

Farm land for sale 11679 m²

Dolní Bousov 55 for m2

Farm land for sale 13502 m²

Hustopeče, Dukelské nám. 103/31850 500 for property

Farm land for sale 4066 m²

Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Františka Melichara 1975More info on request

Farm land for sale 11084 m²

Hostomice 450 000 for property

Farm land for sale 18720 m²

Majdalena 11 665 000 for property

Farm land for sale 15299 m²

Oldřichov 9 900 000 for property

Farm land for sale 1382 m²

Luhačovice, Ludkovická 0334 000 for property

Farm land for sale 20 m²

Vestec, Vestecká 549More info on request

Farm land for sale 2889 m²

Bohutín 400 000 for property

Farm plots for sale

Searching field plots for purchase or subsequent sale is a rather difficult task. Agricultural land assigned that meets specific requirements can be found on the website In addition to various filters the portal offers to study the history of transactions of each seller, reviews of other customers. It is necessary to understand that the sale of field plots is a complex process, therefore, in order to avoid surprises, need to spend a lot of time and effort studying the advertisements. You can buy a field from a private person or an agricultural company. In the first case you can save the budget, in the second case you can get professional help. Some agricultural firms sell their shares while reserving the right to continue agricultural work.

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