Other for sale

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Garage for sale 21 m²

České Velenice, Vitorazská 330 000 for property

Garage for sale 18 m²

Ústí nad Labem, Tichá 1652400 000 for property

Garage for sale 13 m²

Havlíčkův Brod, Stromovka 3963445 000 for property

Garage for sale 25 m²

Sokolov, Brněnská 962450 000 for property

Garage for sale 18 m²

Praha, Květnového vítězství 1742More info on request

Garage for sale 52 m²

Staré Město, Brněnská 2297555 500 for property

Garage for sale 18 m²

Lovosice, U Výtopny 231390 000 for property

Garage for sale 17 m²

Kaplice, Nové domky 0450 000 for property

Garage for sale 21 m²

Příbram, Pod Haldou 0More info on request

Garage for sale 32 m²

Benešov nad Ploučnicí, Nádražní 0300 000 for property

Garage for sale 19 m²

Děčín, Cihelná 650510 000 for property

Garage for sale 20 m²

Vrchlabí 530 000 for property

Garage for sale 112 m²

Jirny, Zámecká 3221 599 000 for property

Garage for sale 19 m²

Děčín, Kamenická 969550 000 for property

Garage for sale 3 m²

Plzeň, Chebská 66629 000 for property

Garage for sale 18 m²

Hodonín, Sacharovova 3204/7450 000 for property

Garage for sale 20 m²

Mělník, Na Vyhlídce 18/2480 000 for property

Garage for sale 16 m²

Mělník, Bezručova 0300 000 for property

Garage for sale 80 m²

Moravský Žižkov, U Sklepů 81More info on request

Garage for sale 31 m²

Roudnice nad Labem, Švermova 0420 000 for property

Other for sale

Also with our help you can purchase a family crypt. Almost all facilities are single-storeyed buildings. They are located in a quiet secluded place. All yachts are heated (the heating can be local, on solid fuel or electric). Many properties are partially or fully furnished.

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