Commercial for sale

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Commercial properties for sale 1600 m²

Horní Slavkov, nám. Republiky 1515 000 000 for property

Commercial space for sale 47 m²

Lovosice, Osvoboditelů 937950 000 for property

Hotel for sale 500 m²

Mariánské Lázně, Hlavní třída 260More info on request

Hotel for sale 611 m²

Hejnice, Klášterní 8711 950 000 for property

Apartment building for sale 510 m²

Česká Lípa, Jiráskova 710/20More info on request

Restaurant for sale 62 m²

Beroun, Sokolovská 12474 700 000 for property

Commercial properties for sale 1350 m²

Hradec Králové, U Sokola 56/3More info on request

Apartment building for sale 195 m²

Přerov, Hlavní 232/1814 420 000 for property

Apartment building for sale 118 m²

Česká Lípa, Nawkova 321/205 800 000 for property

Production hall for sale 710 m²

Rotava, Žižkova 70213 650 000 for property

Commercial space for sale 355 m²

Dobřany, Lipová 3959 390 000 for property

Commercial properties for sale 4196 m²

Napajedla, 2. května 68529 900 000 for property

Hotel for sale 231 m²

Teplice nad Metují, Střmenské podhradí 13223 460 000 for property

Commercial properties for sale 1544 m²

Dačice, Krajířova 24More info on request

Warehouse for sale 1601 m²

Havlíčkův Brod, Generála Kutlvašra 331019 990 000 for property

Commercial real estate sale

Buying commercial property is just as difficult as selling commercial property. It is very important to keep a close eye on the process and carefully check that the premises meet certain standards, that all documents are in order and that there are no other potential problem areas. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to carry out such complex transactions with the involvement of highly qualified specialists in the field of commercial real estate. It is likely that by acting alone you may miss a number of very important factors. For example, due to the lack of experience and thorough knowledge of the commercial real estate market, it is likely to neglect the buildings located next to the commercial property you are interested in. Even an offer that is attractive at first glance may not be so profitable after its detailed consideration and consultation with a specialist. What should you pay attention to when making a deal? Be sure to carefully study the documents and, if necessary, request the necessary certificates about the absence of encumbrance on this property. For example, a building may well be pledged to a bank. It is also worth checking whether the owner has not carried out any uncoordinated redevelopment. Potentially, this can become a significant problem and you will eliminate all violations at your own expense. In other words, after choosing the objectives for the acquisition of commercial premises, it is necessary to check what requirements and standards it must comply with. Whether you are looking for a cafe, manufacturing or office space, compliance and compliance is essential to running a business.On the portal you will find a wide range of commercial real estate: office, warehouse, industrial premise,trading premise, hotel, restaurant, agricultural property, tenement house, doctor’s office, apartments.

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