Houses for sale Central Bohemian Region

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Family house for sale 220 m²

Benešov, Vlašimská 3489 500 000 for property

Family house for sale 60 m²

Šestajovice, Tyršova 28717 500 000 for property

Family house for sale 143 m²

Chocerady 8 950 000 for property

Family house for sale 107 m²

Pečky, Za Statkem 6 900 000 for property

Family house for sale 92 m²

Lysá nad Labem, Československé armády 5 248 000 for property

Family house for sale 266 m²

Neustupov 4 400 000 for property

Family house for sale 192 m²

Unhošť, Na Bílé pěšině 9 990 000 for property

Family house for sale 330 m²

Bořanovice, K Háji 5 250 200 for property

Houses for sale stredocesky kraj

A country house, an architectural monument/other, a family house, a villa, a turnkey house, a cottage, a farm, a multigenerational residence are different types of residential property, which are distinguished by their intended use in the region of stredocesky kraj. The website contains various housing options for sale or rent in the region of stredocesky kraj. When purchasing a house, it is important to check for the encumbrances on the land, on which it is located, as well as for the joint owners. Purchasing or renting an individual residential building, in case of insufficient funds, involves mortgage lending, and it is appealing to those who need permanent registration. Some types of houses will be of interest to entrepreneurs, as they stipulate the possibility of self-employment, generating profit based on growing agricultural products or cattle breeding. A country house is an excellent option for those who are interested in a seasonal or a subsidiary house in the region of stredocesky kraj for family holidays. If you are planning a reconstruction, any changes or the redevelopment of the house, then this is not acceptable for an architectural monument, as its advantage lies in the possibility of living in the prestigious historic districts in the region of stredocesky kraj. When purchasing or renting a house in the region of stredocesky kraj, regardless of type, it is important to have information about its functional and technological features, proximity to infrastructure and social facilities, the degree of fire resistance and fire hazard. Purchasing a multigenerational residence is a profitable investment in a multiroom or multapartment residential property that has a special architectural style, increased planning comfort, the possibility of reconstruction, redevelopment or rental.

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