Apartments 2+1 for sale Praha

Ads on the page

Apartment 2+1 for sale 69 m²

Praha, Na křivce 1307/706 990 000 for property

Apartment 2+1 for sale 62 m²

Praha, Na stezce 4897 500 000 for property

Apartment 2+1 for sale 54 m²

Praha, Kaplická 8576 300 000 for property

Apartment 2+1 for sale 53 m²

Praha, U Petřin 18616 200 000 for property

Apartment 2+1 for sale 54 m²

Praha, Olbrachtova 5 400 000 for property

2-bedroom apartment for sale , Praha

The property market is in demand even during the economic crisis. There are different ways to sell apartments: the services of a real estate agent, the publication on specialized sources and services, the help of friends. First, prepare an advertisement and take a photo from a favorable angle. If you plan to handle the deal yourself, bring in a photographer. Before you publish an advertisement that a 2+1 apartment in the city of , Praha is for sale, tidy up the rooms and think about where you plan to live for the time being. You should not make apartment presentations for potential clients in your own residency setting. People love clean apartments for sale. If you want to leave partial furniture and equipment, this must be indicated in the advertisement.

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